Spring/Summer Program 2025
The new Year is upon us and the Elgin Historical Society will resume its meetings on February 26 at 7pm at the Elgin County Museum, 460 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas. Our first meeting will feature a talk on Alma College, delivered by Society President, Pete Sheridan.
We are still working on our March and April meetings. as soon as we have solid information we will let you know.
May will see us back at the St. Peter's Cemetery for the Talbot Toast.
June we will hold our annual Strawberry Social. We will also continue our recent tradition of having Past President Steve Peters lead us on a walking tour. This year we will be visiting The St. Thomas Cemetery on West Ave. It is a very large cemetery, we may only cover a section, but Steve knows the best stories to tell. It should be a very interesting walk.
July will see a return of our summer walking tour, lead by Society President, Pete Sheridan. Location yet to be decided.
We hope to see you at an EHS event very soon.